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Well-known YouTuber earns 3.42 million in nine months

Youtuber is a kind of job that will shoot a video and willl post on Youtube, and this job become popular in the recent year, even the elementry school student change their dream to be YouTuber. Let us see how much can a YouTuber earn? Now we know a popular YouTuber announced he earned 3.42 million in just 9 month!

Except for him, there is a YouTube channel called "New knowledge Note" that caculates all the famous YouTube channels in Taiwan's revenue. When there are 1 million people watch the video they can earn 300 dollars. Until Auguest 25 in 2017, the Taiwan top 1 YouTuber is call Amogood.

Amogood attracts over 120 million fans by using funny voices to introduce the movies however there are some problems before, but each video still has over 10 milion people watch it, and it make 1413 milion dollar. Second place is TGOP they earn 1139 million dollar, third place is about the game introductor call chesterccj he make 1141 million. And there is a news said a popular YouTuber can earn more than one 100 million in a month. This ranking is caculated by how many people wach the video, didn't conclude advertisement and other work they do when they are free. So if we caculate all revenue they earn including advertisement, it will probabaly be more than what we see or what we predict by now.

I think the Youtuber is a very beneficial job for me or anyone else, because they can earn alot of money from recording a video and maybe to make a video will become your interest so I recommand you can become a Youtuber!

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